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I would just like to say thank you to a few people because I'm very grateful for them and even more grateful for the support they have given me this year. 


Of course, first of all thank you to my Mom, Dad and Max for your never ending love and encouragement. Thank you to my Oma and Opa, to Sally H and Jenny A for looking after me so beautifully while I was in South Africa and your continual interest in what I have been doing. 


Thank you to Petra for always keeping me on the right track especially when I was lost. Thank you to Karlien for all the excellent advice and tips you gave me for my illustrations even though we had to do all of our interactions online. 


Thank you to my friends; Ashleigh, Kiasha, Galiza, Anchel, Diana, Rubi, Bella, Luna and Elijah for well, for being my friends and being awesome at being my friends <3


I dedicate this book to my Granny and Grandpa, to the Jennings family and to Paulo the dog. 



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